
Lessons I Learned My First Year As A Software Developer That Have Very Little To Do With Coding

December 4th marked my one year anniversary as a software engineer/developer/programmer/coder and after a year I have learned a few things. One of those things is that job titles mean very little, especially in a startup but I’m getting ahead of myself. So here are some of the non-technical lessons I have learned about being… Continue reading Lessons I Learned My First Year As A Software Developer That Have Very Little To Do With Coding


A Guideline for Unit Testing After Development: Only Test Your Code

In a perfect world, specifications are clear and concise. Developers take those clear and concise specifications to write unit tests before writing the code that does the work. Then it’s red -> green -> refactor -> Bob’s your uncle you have good code! In the real world, you could end up writing tests after the… Continue reading A Guideline for Unit Testing After Development: Only Test Your Code

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #284: Amazon Finally Makes a Decision and It’s Not Colorado

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! The startup I work for (I keep wanting to say “My company” but I don’t want people to think I’m in charge) is hiring for a front-end engineer/designer, a full stack… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #284: Amazon Finally Makes a Decision and It’s Not Colorado