
So You Want To Learn Software Development On Windows With Python, Java or Vue (JavaScript)

I thought about writing up instructions for my nephew who wants to learn some sort of software development but then I realized I’d just summarize these resources anyway. I don’t need to summarize resources. If you want a bad summary of a useful resource we have AI for that now! Python Resources Get started using… Continue reading So You Want To Learn Software Development On Windows With Python, Java or Vue (JavaScript)


What is Null and what are null contexts in C# 8.0?

What is Null? Null is an adjective that means “without value”. It is the absence of knowledge. It is “I dunno”. Null sounds like a very computer-y thing, but it’s something we encounter in everyday life away from our computers, we just don’t realize it. For example, let’s say someone tells us “I have a… Continue reading What is Null and what are null contexts in C# 8.0?


Writing Java in VSCode and Understanding What Pressing F5 Does

Most developer blogs are in the structure of learn a thing, write a thing. This is where we find something we need to do, we learn how to do it, then we document what we did so that others can follow it. This feels very helpful with something is obscure or not documented well. However… Continue reading Writing Java in VSCode and Understanding What Pressing F5 Does


Encouraging and Maintaining Psychological Safety in Software Development Teams

As high performing development teams we need to have individuals on our teams with high technical knowledge and individuals with high domain knowledge as well as many other factors to keep our teams performing well. However the most important thing we all need for our teams to perform their best is psychological safety.  What Is Psychological… Continue reading Encouraging and Maintaining Psychological Safety in Software Development Teams


Dependency Injection Lifetimes

“Hey Framework! Any time this API endpoint is called and we create an object that is a SomeController that needs an IDoThingsService, create a brand new DoThingsThisWayService and use that. When the SomeController object gets destroyed, keep the IDoThingsService we created until we’re done with the API request in case something else needs it during this scope. Once we’re done with the API request, then destroy the IDoThingsService.”


Tips for Online Communication: How to Ask Good Questions and Give Good Answers

Writing about technical things is hard to do well. These are some of my tips for communicating about technical things which should help whether we’re asking questions or giving answers or just providing documentation. Be VERY specific When writing about an issue, whether we’re asking a question or giving an answer, be very specific about… Continue reading Tips for Online Communication: How to Ask Good Questions and Give Good Answers


Why This Programmer Is Learning About Electricity

I’m a big fan of computers which is why I’m glad to be a Computer Scientist. I like to say that, because of my Computer Science degree, I can explain almost everything that happens from the time I press a letter key on my keyboard to the time that letter shows up on a website… Continue reading Why This Programmer Is Learning About Electricity


4+1 View Models of Software Architecture 25 Years Later

25 years ago Philippe Krutchen published an article in the IEEE Software magazine describing a different way to interpret and communicate software architecture. He used complex systems like air traffic control systems and phone systems in his example because those were the big, complex systems that needed this understanding at that time. For some context,… Continue reading 4+1 View Models of Software Architecture 25 Years Later