Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #60: The only thing that is constant is change

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! Did you know that my headline is a quote attributed to Greek philosopher Heraclitus? I wonder if his friends called him Cletus. See, this is the best/worst thing about the internet.… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #60: The only thing that is constant is change

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #59: Are Uber, Lyft and Drizly REALLY tech companies?

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! A question that piques your interest as a headline? I think those years of reading to occasional copywriting/SEO articles are starting to pay off! Should I put my answer at the end… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #59: Are Uber, Lyft and Drizly REALLY tech companies?

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #50: Growth, more growth and an Airlife app

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! I work full-time as an emergency dispatcher, so the Airlife app story got me super excited! There needs to be more out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to technology and emergency services.… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #50: Growth, more growth and an Airlife app

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #49: Incoming jobs from Lockheed, Sendgrid, Layer3 and other good news

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! There is a LOT of good news bouncing around this square state and I have a feeling with Boulder Startup Week just wrapping up, Aspen’s and Fort Collins’ Startup Weeks just… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #49: Incoming jobs from Lockheed, Sendgrid, Layer3 and other good news

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #48: Let’s Keep the Net Neutral and Colorado in Drive

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! If you use the internet, create things for the internet or just giggle at Lolcats on the internet in Colorado there are some things going on at the state and federal… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #48: Let’s Keep the Net Neutral and Colorado in Drive

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #43: Life, the Universe and Everything Plus One

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! The number 42 always inspires Douglas Adams puns from me, For the life of me I can’t figure out why I missed out on such a great pun opportunity last week.… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #43: Life, the Universe and Everything Plus One