Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #212: DinosaurJS, Sharepoint Fest and Game Developers at Denver Comic Con

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! I love reading event reviews mainly for the simple fact that I can rarely go to events. This week I am happy to promote local reviews from Cuttlesoft about DinosaurJS and… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #212: DinosaurJS, Sharepoint Fest and Game Developers at Denver Comic Con

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #211: Not Just The Front Range, Serious-er Robots, Denver Comic Con

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! This week is my occasional reminder to myself that the Colorado tech community is bigger than just those of us on the front range. It’s a nice thing to remember.  I’m… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #211: Not Just The Front Range, Serious-er Robots, Denver Comic Con

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #209: The Hardest Part About Programming Isn’t the Code

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! I never turn down advice about job seeking. I don’t always get good advice, but if you listen then you’ll find that most good advice gets repeated more than bad advice.… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #209: The Hardest Part About Programming Isn’t the Code

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #208: Are We Putting The Driverless Cart Before the Horse?

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! Like everyone else, I think the idea of autonomous vehicles is a fun idea and I am amazed at the advances made every day in the technologies needed to make driverless cars… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #208: Are We Putting The Driverless Cart Before the Horse?

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #207: Computer Science Electives, The Tech Job Search and Open Source

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning (Unless Monday was a holiday. I hope you had a happy Memorial Day!)! I’m proud of myself for finally writing a blog post that wasn’t a Colorado Tech Weekly post. I… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #207: Computer Science Electives, The Tech Job Search and Open Source

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #206: Tech Visas and #GiveFirst with Go Code Colorado

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! What if I just chose one story and one event to talk about instead of blathering on about whatever is inside my head at the moment? Let’s try that. As someone… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #206: Tech Visas and #GiveFirst with Go Code Colorado

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #205: All Good News and Contemplating the Future of Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! I’ve been thinking of shutting down this newsletter or maybe handing it over to someone else. It’s a thought that has been rattling around my head for about a month. I’m… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #205: All Good News and Contemplating the Future of Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #204: Some Things Are Bigger Than Tech

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! I spent this weekend with my wife in Steamboat Springs celebrating our 8th anniversary. It was great to get out of the Denver area and spend some time without deadlines or… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #204: Some Things Are Bigger Than Tech