Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #184: 2016 Prediction Results and One Event to Rule Them All

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! One of the reasons I share events, is to give people a resource to meet others in the Colorado technology community. This week is pretty easy, just go to the Holiday… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #184: 2016 Prediction Results and One Event to Rule Them All

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #183: Holiday Parties and Company Insights

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! I love the lists that Jess Ryan does at BuiltinColorado because it gives us a peek into the inner workings of Colorado tech startups that we would not otherwise see. My… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #183: Holiday Parties and Company Insights

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #181: Holidays Don’t Slow Colorado Tech

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! I thought with the Thanksgiving holiday last week and the upcoming holidays that it would be more difficult to find Colorado tech news and events. I was wrong. Dead wrong. Sometimes… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #181: Holidays Don’t Slow Colorado Tech

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #180: I Went to an Event, I Missed an Event and Half a Circle

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! It’s been a while since I’ve celebrated a blog milestone, so let’s do it. One hundred and eighty is a great milestone! It’s half a circle. It’s 20 away from 200.… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #180: I Went to an Event, I Missed an Event and Half a Circle

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #179: VR, Municipal Broadband, APEX Awards and More

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! The more things change, the more things stay the same. Take a break from politics and check out all the cool things happening in the Colorado tech community. Have a great… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #179: VR, Municipal Broadband, APEX Awards and More

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #178: If I Could Go To Every Event, I Would

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! Tomorrow is the most important #TacoTuesday yet. Make sure you vote! After last week’s Colorado Tech Weekly post had an article hinting at a CenturyLInk/Level 3 combo, it happened this week.… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #178: If I Could Go To Every Event, I Would

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #177: A Semi With No Driver, a Technical Interview and Other Scary Things

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! The biggest tech news in Colorado this week was the self-driving semi beer delivery. I wonder if anyone noticed that the Budweiser semi didn’t have a driver when they passed it.… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #177: A Semi With No Driver, a Technical Interview and Other Scary Things

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #176: Every Tech Job is a Security Tech Job

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! When most people think of cybersecurity they think of antivirus companies and IT commandos in bunkers with entirely too many computer screens who track attacks on a large map while furiously… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #176: Every Tech Job is a Security Tech Job