Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #48: Let’s Keep the Net Neutral and Colorado in Drive

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! If you use the internet, create things for the internet or just giggle at Lolcats on the internet in Colorado there are some things going on at the state and federal… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #48: Let’s Keep the Net Neutral and Colorado in Drive

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #46: Doing big things in Colorado

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! Uber moves out of their Galvanize workspace. Dish reinvents mobile broadband. RoundPegg anticipates 10 fold growth in 2 years. This week’s headlines are all about doing big things and it’s all… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #46: Doing big things in Colorado

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #32: Overwhelming events and mobile contradictions

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local events every Monday morning! Well my first Built in Brews event was… overwhelming. If you are ever in doubt about the vibrancy of the tech startup scene in Denver, go to one of those events. Your… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #32: Overwhelming events and mobile contradictions

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #31: Do whatever you need wherever you want

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local events every Monday morning! I felt like I could’ve easily posted 20 stories, but part of the fun of these posts is narrowing it down to the 10 most interesting stories of the week. I’m really… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #31: Do whatever you need wherever you want

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #30: Marijuana? CES? Drones? Colorado has a little bit of everything

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local events every Monday morning! It’s the first Monday of the new year, which means it’s back-to-work time. With Christmas and New Years Day being in the middle of the week, I can understand if you’re finding… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #30: Marijuana? CES? Drones? Colorado has a little bit of everything

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #29: 10 news stories, 5 predictions and a cat

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local events every Monday morning! Well, it’s the end of the year and this is a blog so it’s time for either a review post or a prediction post or both! I’ll spare you a year-in-review post since… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #29: 10 news stories, 5 predictions and a cat

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #1, June 16 2013: The NSA Read This Before It Was Written

The government is in your social media. Get an abert squirrel shirt for supporting Black Forest Fire victims. Dish misses out on Sprint. CTA promotes entreprenuership. Colorado IT gals rock. I learn some cloud computing. Apple brings iOS7. Microsoft brings the games. Sony pulls no punches. Warp speed may be possible, or may be a… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #1, June 16 2013: The NSA Read This Before It Was Written